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Welfare Fund

Director: Brian Case


The Valley Stream Teachers’ Association Welfare Fund was established as a result of negotiations between the Valley Stream Teachers’ Association and the four Valley Stream Boards of Education for the purpose of providing dental insurance, vision and an option for Excess Major Medical. (EMM)

The Welfare Fund consists of five trustees who are VSTA members recommended by the President and approved by the VSTA Executive Board. The Board oversees the operation of the Fund, retains the services of a Director and CPA, as well as obtains opinions as necessary. Further, the Fund contracts for the services of a professional benefits specialist at JJ Stanis for plan administration.

Policy Summary
Dependent children are covered until the end of the month they turn twenty-three (23) years of age.

Enrollment for new employees must take place within thirty days from the first date of employment. Failure to enroll or changes in enrollment status must take place during the open enrollment period, which is each year during the month of December, effective January 1st, unless there is a qualifying event.


Enrollment questions should be addressed directly with JJ Stanis by contacting 516-465-3900.

Claims may be submitted using any of the following methods:
1) By U.S. mail to:
J.J. Stanis and Company, Inc.
377 Oak Street - Suite 406
Garden City, NY 11530

2) Emailed to:
3) Faxed to: 516-465-3920
4) Electronically submitted directly from your dental provider



Miscellaneous Information
Enrollment/Change Form
HIPAA Privacy Notice
Annual Financial Statement

© 2023 Valley Stream Teacher's Association 






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