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There are two vision plans. The NVA which is a stand alone vision plan and Vision with Excess Major Medical (EMM).


Vision Plan Comparison


Anyone hired with an effective date on or after July 1, 2019 is automatically enrolled in NVA. All members who do not have NYSHIP are automatically enrolled in NVA.

NVA Vision Form
Benefit Summary


Vision with Excess Major Medical (EMM)
All employees who do not fit in the above category, have been previously enrolled in Vision with Excess Major Medical, however, they do have an option to transfer to NVA during the open enrollment period in December of each year. Once an individual transfers to NVA, they will NOT have the option to transfer back to vision with EMM.

Additional Explanation of Excess Major Medical Benefits (For NYSHIP Empire Enrollees ONLY)
EMM Vision Claim Form
Excess Major Medical (Co-Insurance Claims)
Excess Major Medical (In-Hospital Claims)

Retirement Continuation Notice

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